Category: Uncategorized

The Nature of Trust

Just a few days ago, I was watching my 10-month-old grandson. He and I were cuddled up on the sofa watching one of his three favorite movies (I think it was “Winnie the Pooh” this time), and he was hilarious. Giggling and smiling and burying his head into my shoulder at the same time. Right then, I had a flashback to my own childhood. Read more

Category: Health Insurance

What’s in a Name … Louisiana Blue

I’ve always been astounded by how much the names we call people, i.e. “nicknames,” can be so different from a person’s given, legal name.

Sometimes there are good reasons for nicknames. When I entered first grade way back in 1967, there were FIVE “Mikes” in my class! Out of just 28 kids. Naturally, I became “Bertaut,” which ultimately was shortened to “BURR-DOE,” which I was stuck with all the way through high school. Even today, when I reconnect with my old high school friends, the name sticks. Read more

Category: Government Programs, Health Insurance

What Are They Trying to Hide from You?

I’ve been so blessed the past few years. Since 2019, all three of my kids have married, one has had a child (hilarious!) and we have another grandchild on the way. My lovely wife retired after 35 years working hard as a registered nurse in various roles here in Louisiana. She’s now having fun as a full-time caregiver for a very busy 7-month-old boy! He’s at my house a lot, which makes my life even more fun! Call me Gramps! Read more