Category: Cost of Healthcare

Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance

Is Single-Payer Healthcare a Single-Sided Salad Bar?

According to a new Kaiser Family Foundation poll, which asks Americans about healthcare topics each month, support for Medicare-for-all, which we’ve called “singlepayer healthcare” in these pages, has narrowed in recent months. In a poll conducted Oct. 3 – 8, 2019, 51% of those polled said they favor a national health plan and 47% opposed. That’s a 5% drop since the beginning of the year.

It seems Americans are starting to think similarly to me – single-payer healthcare will narrow our choices when it comes to healthcare. Read more

Category: Cost of Healthcare, Health Insurance

Whither Gene Therapy?

In my lifetime, I have been blessed to see advances in medical science that literally saved my life.

In 1983, at 22 years old, I was diagnosed with a malignant form of bone cancer in my right femur. Cancer was, of course, much more of a deadly condition back then. I qualified for a clinical trial with four other male subjects who were about my age and had the same condition. I was given a brand-new chemotherapy combination in a brand-new delivery method, and within three months, 80% of my tumor was dead or inactive. Read more