Category: Cost of Healthcare

Category: Cost of Healthcare, Health Insurance

How Can I Find Out What I’ll Pay For Care?

These days, we’re used to shopping around and getting price information for just about anything within a few clicks! But, it’s not that easy with healthcare. Unlike shopping for clothes, food and most other professional services, it can be tricky to figure out how much different healthcare services cost, or which part of those costs you’ll have to cover out of pocket.
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Category: Cost of Healthcare, Health and Wellness, Health Insurance

Islands of Hope at Blue Cross

There is an ocean of healthcare data out there. And sometimes, it’s easy to feel like a ship floating in the middle of that water with no destination in sight. At Blue Cross, our lead data expert sees islands of hope as we analyze data and act upon the insights we learn. We find answers that lead us to innovations or confirm new ways that result in better care and health outcomes.
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