Podcast: Straight Talk with Michael Bertaut, Episode 5
Fever, rash, cut, break? Sudden medical issues can be scary and knowing where to go to get treatment when is confusing and can be a major pain, on top of that illness or injury.
Fever, rash, cut, break? Sudden medical issues can be scary and knowing where to go to get treatment when is confusing and can be a major pain, on top of that illness or injury.
About 90% of us have health insurance from birth to age 64 because we either have a job, retired from a job or are related to someone who has or retired from a job.
The Blue Cross Business to Business Forum
Of the 100+ average appearances that I make each year, few events are as powerful as our annual Business to Business Forum on Healthcare Solutions, held recently at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. It’s simply a treat for me to participate and I hope it was as big a treat for the hundreds of attendees who enjoyed this free event. I’ve been to conferences around the nation on healthcare that didn’t deliver as much value as our B2B forum did.
Has any topic in the past decade or so been more confusing, messier, or more fraught with political and personal angst than health insurance premium pricing? Let’s break down what’s been going on, starting with the Employer Health Insurance Market, where 90% of us get our healthcare coverage. Read more
Every now and then, a real opportunity comes along to make yourself smarter, more efficient and more productive. The good ones, in my experience, are few and far between. On Thursday, Aug. 23 at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans, one of the best will take place.
You may have seen news coverage recently about changes to something called the “risk adjustment program.” In this blog, I’ll explain what that means and whether or not it will affect you.