Category: Cost of Healthcare

Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance

Lunch With Some Friends

… and Big Health Insurance Changes

Every now and then, I’m reminded how blessed I am to have the job I do.  Earlier this month, I gave a presentation to the Baton Rouge Rotary Club. They are one of the largest of the 30,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide and home to over 500 businesses in the Capital area. Baton Rouge’s Rotary has been together since 1918! Speaking to them is always a privilege. Read more

Category: Cost of Healthcare, Health Insurance

Space-Age Medicine at Space-Age Prices

One of the things you learned very quickly while growing up in our household was, “Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know!” That was my dad’s way of saying that we were poor. Not grinding-into-the ground, begging-for-food poor, but we started out with much less than our neighbors had. In fact, I was born into a 35-foot travel trailer in my Maw Maw’s back yard in 1961. And within two years, I had had two sisters, too! Read more

Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare

Who Can Afford to Leave Money on the Table?

I think we all have this person in our lives: “I take care of myself. Don’t ask anyone for anything. I just want everybody to take care of themselves and that’s that! I can take care of myself!”

The notion of taking care of yourself and not being super dependent on others has some attraction for many of us, and is a source of pride, even. But there are times when it just makes sense to accept help that’s offered. Read more