Category: Cost of Healthcare

Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare

Who Can Afford to Leave Money on the Table?

I think we all have this person in our lives: “I take care of myself. Don’t ask anyone for anything. I just want everybody to take care of themselves and that’s that! I can take care of myself!”

The notion of taking care of yourself and not being super dependent on others has some attraction for many of us, and is a source of pride, even. But there are times when it just makes sense to accept help that’s offered. Read more

Category: Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance

Talking Turkey … and Health Insurance

Thanksgiving is just a few days away. My large extended family will descend on my house outside of Baton Rouge to eat tons of food, watch football and talk. With every family gathering, there’s lots of conversations. My family members like to tell old stories as much as I do. We catch up with family we only see on major holidays to find out what they’ve been up to. There’s always one relative who brings up the thing WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT and gets everyone, well, animated. Read more