The Flu: What Is It and Should I Be Worried?
I’m sure we’ve all seen the news by now – we’re having a very tough flu season. I like to add perspective to the headlines, so today I’ll share a bit of what I’ve learned about the flu with you.
I’m sure we’ve all seen the news by now – we’re having a very tough flu season. I like to add perspective to the headlines, so today I’ll share a bit of what I’ve learned about the flu with you.
The Importance of Investing In Our People: Blue Bikes
On Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017, I was privileged to attend the launch of a program that has the potential to change the character of a major American city for the better. And I’m even more privileged to be working for the organization that made it happen.
“Well, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, and I’ve developed a strategy for the holidays that revolves around one of my Top 10 items: Focus on quality, and avoid the empty calories.”
Drug Company Magic: What’s the fastest growing thing that affects the cost of your health insurance premiums? The answer may surprise you.
Blue Cross Healthcare Economist Mike Bertaut is on the road, on the job and around Louisiana. Now is your chance to follow along, as he brings the Straight Talk to you and your fellow Louisianians in our new series of videos.
NOTE FROM MIKE: Lots happening this week with Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson (GCHJ, the other healthcare reform bill I said last week that I’d write about), including the latest that the Senate will not vote on the bill. I’ll be back to give you my take on the entire legislative ups and downs. More to follow!