Category: Health Insurance

Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance

The Challenges of Staying “Louisiana Blue”

Way back in 2009, when I went to Washington, D.C. on behalf of your Louisiana Blue Plan for the first time, I discovered some amazing things. You might call me a wide-eyed, first-timer in the Big City (even though I was already 48 years old!) as I met lobbyists, legislators, staffers for a bunch of influential people, and policymakers intent on writing what eventually became the Affordable Care Act. Read more

Category: Health Insurance

What’s in a Name … Louisiana Blue

I’ve always been astounded by how much the names we call people, i.e. “nicknames,” can be so different from a person’s given, legal name.

Sometimes there are good reasons for nicknames. When I entered first grade way back in 1967, there were FIVE “Mikes” in my class! Out of just 28 kids. Naturally, I became “Bertaut,” which ultimately was shortened to “BURR-DOE,” which I was stuck with all the way through high school. Even today, when I reconnect with my old high school friends, the name sticks. Read more