Category: Health Insurance

Category: Health and Wellness, Health Insurance

Your Blue Cross Health Insurance Coverage in June 2020

As we made our way through March, April and May 2020, we saw the number of COVID-19 cases in Louisiana rising very quickly, especially before the governor issued his “stay-at-home” order on March 22.

In response to this unprecedented health crisis, health insurance companies like Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana began to add, amend and alter their coverage to make it easier for people to get tested and treated for COVID-19. At Blue Cross, we also made changes to make it easier for people to get healthcare treatment while staying at home. Read more

Category: Health Insurance

Getting a Head Start: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana’s Data Investment and COVID-19

The other day, I was lamenting the fact that I haven’t seen a disinfecting wipe container in any store in a few months. I find them VERY handy nowadays for wiping doorknobs and other frequently touched surfaces or using them at the gas station and grocery store. I was just about out of wipes when I popped open a seldom-used cabinet and found a whole new package — NEVER OPENED.

A couple of years ago, with no idea that we’d be battling COVID-19, I stashed those away. I wasn’t “planning for a rainy day;” it was just luck.

But thanks to the talented team of data scientists we have here at Blue Cross, luck isn’t our only method of being prepared and ready to respond to COVID-19. Read more

Category: Government Programs, Health Insurance

What’s “Special Enrollment” on and How Do I Qualify?

Sometimes, dealing with a big bureaucracy with a ton of rules can be really, really frustrating. Dealing with lots of rules and regulations often makes folks want to tear their hair out. Life can be pretty complex on its own, without tons of rules to follow.

Every now and then, though, having a bunch of rules and regulations is a good thing. Like the many different ways you can trigger a Special Enrollment Period on Many of these also work for seniors who are Medicare eligible. We’ll talk about each of those and their options for healthcare coverage. Read more

Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health and Wellness, Health Insurance

Podcast #9 | Don’t Delay Care, Payments to Hospitals, Elective Procedures

Welcome to our first podcast in the age of COVID-19. In this podcast, Mike and his producer, Lindsey, talk about what has changed at Blue Cross (about 90% of our employees are working from home), along with how we’ve adjusted programs and services for our members. And, he talks about what hasn’t changed — our commitment to continue serving our customers.

Mike explains why it’s vital to continue seeking treatment for regular health concerns. Emergencies like heart attacks and appendicitis don’t stop in the face of a public health crisis, but more Americans are delaying care for them, at a great risk. Mike discusses how telehealth can help you figure out if and when you need to head to the hospital. Read more

Category: Cost of Healthcare, Health Insurance

The Forecasting Process: Louisiana and Blue Cross After COVID-19

As healthcare economist for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana, I figure my job looks pretty mundane to most people. Above all things, my job is studying, understanding, reporting and predicting, in that order.

I spend the vast majority of my time reading. Over the past 15 years, I’ve cultivated sources via journals, email blasts, Twitter, LinkedIn and blogs that help me keep track of trends in healthcare and our economy, both here in Louisiana and nationally, if I think it has ramifications for our state.

The real key to my process is to quickly identify things that could affect all of us, and our healthcare in Louisiana. Read more

Category: Cost of Healthcare, Health Insurance

The Government Is Trying Hard to Keep Your Business Open

It’s hard to imagine a bigger financial disruption for our state’s businesses than we are seeing right now. Between federal and state orders to stay at home because of the COVID-19 health threat and a global glut of oil happening at the same time demand is dropping, leading to VERY low oil prices, nearly every sector of Louisiana’s economy is being beaten up pretty badly.

As a business owner, especially if you have a small business (which the federal Small Business Administration defines as a business with fewer than 500 employees), what can you possibly do to take care of your employees and keep your enterprise ongoing?
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