Category: Health and Wellness

COVID-19: The Not-So-Much Bunch

When I was a kid, I grew up surrounded by relatives. My mom had five brothers and sisters. On average, they had 4.3 kids per family. Add that to the five kids in our household, and you had the makings of quite a cousin party, pretty much all the time. My mom’s father gave up trying to remember the names of his 29 grandkids. He gave us numbers based on our ages. I was #3. My youngest brother, Chris, hated the fact that he was #27. Read more

Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance

If you drew unemployment insurance in 2021, free health insurance may be waiting for you

The federal government has been tossing changes toward our industry at a rapid pace during 2021. So rapid that even I, your friendly healthcare economist who keeps up with changes for a living, sometimes struggle to do so.

So, this latest change, which is VERY powerful, has flown a bit under the radar. Read more

Category: Uncategorized

In Memoriam: The Founder of Straight Talk Passes Away at 83 Years Old

Over the past five years, you’ve heard me share lesson after lesson that I learned from my Dad. He passed away on Friday, July 2, very peacefully, with his family around him.

I hope you don’t mind if we take this time to memorialize him a bit. I’ll understand if it’s not your cup of tea, but I can promise you our Straight Talk approach, common-sense logic and nearly everything I’ve written I learned at his knee. If you’ve ever wondered where Straight Talk communications and common sense comes from, it was from him through me. Read more