Category: Cost of Healthcare, Health Insurance

How Do You Feel About Surprises?

Let me ask you a hypothetical question. Would you rather:

  1. Pay a $500 bill that you were totally expecting, or
  2. Pay a $300 bill that was a total surprise?

As the person who keeps track of bills and payments due for my family, I say there is NOTHING worse than a bill you weren’t expecting. No matter how much I owe, if I know about it up front, I can plan, estimate, maneuver, borrow or do whatever I have to do to pay that bill on time.

If I get ambushed, though… Grrrrr!!!! Don’t like it. Much more stressful. Read more

Category: ACA and Policy, Government Programs, Health Insurance

The Great Experiment: California Goes “ALL-IN” on the Affordable Care Act

“Cut the grass, son!” Yep, that’s my Dad, circa early 1970s, encouraging 11-year-old me to get off my butt and do some work, which frankly at that age I was keen to avoid. But he was home from working offshore and would be for at least a week, and it was July in Morgan City. You could almost watch the grass grow, so I wasn’t getting out of it. Read more

Category: Health Insurance

Leading Change to Improve Health

For the past few months, I’ve been telling my Straight Talk audience about the people at Blue Cross who are doing hard work to make big improvements to the health insurance landscape and health in Louisiana.

Today, I want to introduce you to the head honcho here at Blue Cross, Dr. I. Steven Udvarhelyi. He’s our President and CEO and he’s best known around here as Dr. Steve. Read more