What is Health Insurance, Exactly?
Every so often, I go on WRKF’s Talk Louisiana with Jim Engster and talk about what’s happening in health insurance, healthcare reform and other topics on. I was on the air just this week when I got this question:
Every so often, I go on WRKF’s Talk Louisiana with Jim Engster and talk about what’s happening in health insurance, healthcare reform and other topics on. I was on the air just this week when I got this question:
Early in 2009, my boss directed me to become an expert on the ongoing negotiations in Washington, D.C. that eventually became the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), signed into law on March 23, 2010.
How many times have you seen something in the news and been surprised?
Requiem for the Individual Mandate
I’ve always liked the word “requiem,” which the dictionary says means “a ceremony or remembrance of someone who has passed away.”
I promised you I would take you more in depth on parts of President Trump’s Executive Order on healthcare. Today we look at Association Health Plans.
In this blog, we spend a lot of time talking about the individual market (people who buy their own health insurance coverage and aren’t covered through an employer or government program.)