How Much Do You Want to Know? The Transparency Movement in Healthcare Pricing
Over the course of my nearly 60 year life, one thing about me has always been clear: I want more information. More. Better. Clearer.
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Over the course of my nearly 60 year life, one thing about me has always been clear: I want more information. More. Better. Clearer.
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A recent poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows broad support for expanding public healthcare coverage, including Medicare-for-All. In that poll, 74% of Americans favor a national government plan that is open to anyone.
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In the last installment of “Straight Talk,” I shared with you some amazing things that recently happened with my eyesight. I had cataract surgery and my ophthalmologist returned my eyes to 20/20 vision for the first time in 50 years!
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I can remember it like it was yesterday, but it was fully 50 years ago. There I was, a tubby 8-year-old, strong for my age and tall, but chunky, all decked out in my Little League baseball uniform looking for all the world like a young Babe Ruth. “Hamer’s Hammers” was emblazoned across my jersey in big blue letters; “13” broadly across my back.
Who pays in a single-payer health insurance plan? This week, Straight Talk is kicking off a multi-part series on single-payer.
Guest post by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Chief Medical Officer Dr. Vindell Washington
In one of his earlier Straight Talk videos, The Holy Grail of Health Insurance, Mike asked what would happen if Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana put your doctor on commission?
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